Resumption of public Masses


  1. 當恢復公開彌撒,堂區網上直播彌撒將會取消,教友亦可參與教區的直播禮儀。
  2. 進入聖堂前請戴上口罩及消毒雙手。
  3. 進入聖堂前,教友須利用手機掃描「安心出行」二維碼或將其姓名、聯絡電話、進入聖堂的日期及時間記錄在登記表格。有關資料只保留31天,並只供政府有關部門作流行病毒調查。
  4. 主日(及聖週期間),教友請使用1號大十字架閘門進入聖堂,量度體溫,離開時請使用4號閘門。
  5. 聖堂內只設三成座位,不設企位。主日上午(及聖週期間)地下雨天操場設有視像彌撒。
  6. 暫時聖堂門口不設聖水及暫停使用經書及歌書。
  7. 手領聖體及暫停送聖血,教友請有秩序一行一行到祭台前領聖體。

According to “Diocesan Pastoral Guidelines on The Resumption of Public Masses, Group Gatherings and Holy Week Liturgy”. For the resumption of public masses (from April 1), Our Parish will have the following arrangements:

  1. Parishioners please use GATE No.1 into the church. When you leave, please use GATE No.4.
  2. Keep masks on at all times and sanitize your hands before entering the Church.
  3. Before entering the church compound, the faithful are required to scan the “Leave Home Safe” venue QR code or to record their names, contact numbers, and the dates and times of their visits on registration forms. The information collected will be kept for 31 days and will solely be used to facilitate the relevant Government departments for virus tracing purposes.
  4. In the church, only 30% of the seats will be available, and no standing. Live mass simultaneously will be held at the covered playground.
  5. Holy water at the entrance to the Church will not be provided.
  6. Liturgy Book will not be provided. Please refer to the PPT.
  7. Holy Communion must be received by hand. Please come to the altar row by row to receive Holy Communion.



2 Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun, NT, Hong Kong
電話 Tel : (852) 2459 6510, (852) 2459 9920
圖文傳真 Fax : (852) 2618 0498
電子郵遞 E-Mail : [email protected]



(上午9:30 - 下午5:30)

(上午9:30 - 下午1:00)

上午9:00 - 下午1:00
